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Barrel Ninja Surfin Research Maldives



We dedicate our brand entirely to decreasing the footprint of surfing.
Are you also overstrained by the pure number of possible choices of surfing accessories?
We want to put an end to the "new year, new gear" waste-culture in surfing! Outdoor sports equipment should only develop further based on real progress in technology, not on trends and Colours
Protected by Bogutech

Fins are both robust but delicate items. That is why we decided to add extra kevlar and carbon fibres for edge protection. Unfortunately, most damage is done to the fins when on land. Either while travelling or walking to the beach. We are trying to adress that by adding an extra bit of protection.

Waste Free Packaging

Packaging in general is a necessary evil. You don't need it, but it is making sure our products arrive without damage. Our shipping boxes are made of 35% gras from local meadows and 65% recycled paper. This choice adds social and financial value to wild meadows, important habitats for insects, and utilizes the local paper waste recycling value chain. To protect the fins on their journey, we are using corn starch padding. All packaging is completely biodegradable.

Life Cycle Assessment

We are constantly working on new ideas to reduce the footprint of our products. All unavoidable CO2 emissions are compensated. To quantify tour environmental impact, we need to consider all phases of life of our products:

  1. Ressources

  2. Material Processing

  3. Product Manufaturing

  4. Logistics and Wrapping

  5. Distribution and Packaging

CO2 Offset

Even if Barrel Ninja constantly tries to avtively reduce our footprint and to improve our brands positive impact, we are using ressources and contribute to the climate change. We ensure that our CO2 emissions offset is actually making a difference by cooperating with carefully chosen partners. We are only supporting projects, which actually make a difference for people and the environment. All efforts are contributed to better living conditions for local communities, certified and guarantee the amount of CO2 captured.

Costa Rica Forrest.jpeg

Costa Rica

By planting trees we protect the habitat of many animal species, we support local people and we contribute to a green and healthy planet. In the next years we will restore at least 105 hectares of forest. The project is of great importance for local employment - growing, planting and maintaining trees.



Located in South Sulawesi, the Sidrap Wind Farm project consists of 30 wind turbines with a total installed capacity of 75 MW. The project produces 253,000 MWh of renewable energy per year to the South Sulawesi national grid - enough to power over 70,000 local homes!



The Blue Carbon Initiative currently focuses on carbon in coastal ecosystems - mangroves, tidal marshes and seagrasses. These ecosystems sequester and store large quantities of blue carbon in both the plants and the sediment below.

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